Due to current OSU policy regarding COVID-19, all Wave Lab tours are suspended until further notice


The wave lab education and outreach program strives to provide “K to Grey” engagement in coastal and civil engineering to broaden participation in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM).  We provide opportunities to learn about engineering, research, and coastal hazards using the on-going work at the laboratory to highlight the importance of engineering and research to the built and natural environment.   

Tours of the wave lab highlight the importance of coastal engineering, the research process, and the day-to-day operations of the large-scale laboratory.  Because this is a working facility, there will be times when the tanks are dry, or demonstrations are not possible since it interfere with the experiments. This happens occasionally when we reconfigure tank specifications for research and testing projects.

To schedule a Tour, please fill the form by clicking here, or copy and paste the following url:  


We will contact you as soon as we process your request.